Jeanne Højgaard-Bøytler

Äldre med missbruk – omsorg för ett värdigt liv!

Äldre utgör en allt större del av befolkningen i stora delar av världen och alkoholmissbruk bland äldre är ett ökande problem som leder till alkoholrelaterade skador och demens. Personer med erfarenhet av långvarigt alkoholmissbruk har ofta också andra problem såsom psykisk ohälsa, försämrad hälsa, missbruk av narkotika eller läkemedel och kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar. Förutom detta tillkommer ofta sociala problem såsom isolation, ensamhet, förstörda sociala relationer, fattigdom och skulder, och ibland också hemlöshet. Detta ställer stora krav på insatser inom äldreomsorgen, socialvården och missbruksvården.

Min presentation kommer att belysa specialiserade boenden för äldre människor med alkoholmissbruk och hur dessa verksamheter utmanar samhälleliga normer och det sociala arbetet. Hur kan dessa platser bidra till ett värdigt liv – även när den enskilda inte klarar av att komma ur sitt missbruk?

På Socialhögskolan i Lund studerar jag specialiserade omsorgsinsatser för äldre med missbruk och komplexa behov i både Sverige och Danmark. Jag undersöker vad det innebär att åldras med ett missbruk, äldres upplevelser av att bo på specialiserade boenden, fördelar och nackdelar och betydelsen av policies, kultur, skadereducering och omsorg.


Jeanne Højgaard-Bøytler,
doktorand i socialt arbete vid Socialhögskolan, Lund universitet.
[email protected]

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Alexandra Pongrácz

The arctic carbon puzzle

The Arctic has undergone unprecedented environmental changes in the past decade, and is currently the fastest warming region on the globe. But why should we care?

These regional changes can influence the entire planet through the complex interaction and feedbacks between the carbon and water cycles. My colleagues and I are using and developing a computer model to simulate how climate change will influence arctic ecosystems.

By developing lacking or overly simplified processes in the model we tackle one of the still missing pieces in the carbon puzzle: the role of the winter season in the Arctic carbon cycle.

Our aim is to be able to simulate arctic conditions with less uncertainty and get a better picture on climate change impact globally.


[email protected]

Doctoral student at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science

My research 

Elena Pagnin

Security and Privacy in the Digital Era

We live in a society that increasingly relies on digital technologies. Today we use the internet and digital communication channels to do anything from contacting a friend, to checking the weather forecast; from performing transactions to reading and discussing the news.

Data is created with every digital action we make, and this data is extremely valuable to gather information about individuals, identify new trends and even profile one’s personality. While digital data can be handled in benign ways, we are repeatedly exposed to cases where things go wrong. How can we prevent such misbehaviours?

My research objective at LTH is to make sure anyone can enjoy the empowerment today digital communication technologies give us, free from privacy and security concerns. All we need are solutions that realize the functionality we want ’without leaking any additional information’. The motto is ’privacy by design’ and it is often achieved combining elements from security, programming, cryptography and mathematics. 


[email protected]

Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Faculty of Engineering (LTH) Lund University

My research 

Jesper Petersen

Solving sharia related problems in Scandinavia

Sharia is primarily Islamic ethics and rituals, and as such, practicing sharia is unproblematic and, for the most part, even protected by the laws on freedom of religion. However, in some families specific understandings of sharia is forced upon individuals and restrain their freedom, and thus, sharia practice becomes a societal problem that Scandinavian societies have handled poorly – largely because the problems have been misunderstood.

In my research I study how Muslims practice sharia in a Scandinavian context and the emergence of parallel legal practices that may restrain the freedom of individuals. This deeper understanding of Scandinavian sharia practice is important in addressing for example Muslim women who are held captives in Islamic marriages. By transferring knowledge from research and adapt it to existing models within social work many sharia related problems can be solved.


[email protected]

Jesper Petersen, affiliated researcher, History of Religions and ReligiousBehavioural Science, Lund Unviersity.

My research 

Michael Bossetta, Lunds universitet

Michael Bossetta’s presentation in Forskar Grand Prix 20/21 (Researcher’s Grand Prix 20/21)

Social Media and Politics

Social media are exciting new platforms for politics. Politicians use social media to win elections, citizens use them to discuss politics, and ‘bad actors’ use them to spread fake news and disinformation. But how do we actually study politics on social media?

I’ll share my research using experiments and digital methods. The presentation shows a study of fake news on Twitter, and how I use computer vision to study emotions in Facebook political ads.


Michael Bossetta, Researcher at Media and Communication Studies, Lund University.

[email protected]

My research 

Press image:
Michael Bossetta

Sara Ullström

Kan flygfrittrörelsen förändra flygnormen?

Under de senaste åren har flygets klimatpåverkan uppmärksammats allt mer i Sverige, och en social rörelse för att minska flygresandet har växt fram. Min presentation kommer att diskutera hur den här rörelsen utmanar koldioxidintensiva normer, och betydelsen av det i omställningen till ett hållbart samhälle.

I min forskning undersöker jag debatten om flygets klimatpåverkan och kartlägger hur rörelsen kring minskat flygresande har tagit form. Genom att öka förståelsen för hur nya uppfattningar och berättelser om flygresande har uppstått och fått spridning belyser min forskning betydelsen av kollektiva livsstilsförändringar för att möta både nationella och internationella klimatmål.


[email protected]

Sara Ullström, doktorand vid Lunds universitets centrum för studier av uthållig samhällsutveckling; LUCSUS.

Läs mer om min forskning 

Juan Ocampo

Financial systems and complementary currencies

In my presentation, I want to envision how having a bottom-up approach to financial systems might transform the way we understand Financial Inclusion. I work for a future in which vulnerable communities and its members are empowered.

I believe that by enabling communities to build their own financial infrastructure we will be on our way to having a more sustained and inclusive economic future. At the Agenda 2030 Graduate School in Lund University, I study how vulnerable communities construct their own financial freedom.

Today technology empowers us to act locally, autonomously, and in decentralized ways and my research objective is, in a global context, to explore how technologies will help to scale the impact of alternative financial systems. I am an Engineer with a passion for reflexive modeling, where numbers meet humanistic stories.


[email protected]

Doctoral student at the Department of Business and Administration, Lund University

More about my research